“a jack of all trades, master of none, is oftentimes better than a master of one.”
I am a full stack creative with a focus on Brand and Culture, Both professionally and personally my main personal driver is helping others. Everything I work on or create is done by asking the question "how is this really helping others".
I run Cloverlily Leatherworks (Live) and Simple Co (Under construction). Two DTC ecommerce websites looking to solve niche and human problems within larger industries. While only using only traditonal techniques and ethically sourced materials from fair pay suppliers.
I’m a passionate multidisciplinary creative, with many strings to my bow. Competent in all levels of the creative process with a heavy understanding of brand, design, emotional copywriting, marketing, psychology and behavioural economics. I firmly believe everything that can be solved logically has been, the only problems left require lateral thinking, and with creativity, these are ready be tackled.
live projects
Cloverlily Leatherworks
A leatherworking company with a focus on solving problems for working photographers, and for those who like to live a more curated, minimal life.